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News Brief

Nov. 14, 2019 |  By: Devin Vinzant

Eagle Days events start February 1st

With winter right around the corner, Missouri will soon see a population increase in a particular species of bird.

Spokesperson for the Missouri Department of Conservation Joe Jerek says that for the next three months, the Show-Me-State will host thousands of national symbols.

"From December through February, Missouri becomes home to thousands and thousands of bald eagles, so eagle watching in the Show-Me-State is amazing over the winter."

The Department of Conservation will hold seven different Eagle Days events through February 1st, starting with Loess Bluffs National Wildlife Refuge in Mound City December 7th. Jerek says there will be activities for family members  of all ages.

"Our Eagle Days events through the Missouri Department of Conservation include captive live eagle programs, so you'll usually be able to see a live eagle up close.  We have other exhibits and activities for kids and adults.  We also have guides with spotting scopes.  So we encourage folks to dress for the winter weather and don't forget to bring their cameras and binoculars."

For more information about Eagle Days, visit